
venerdì 27 aprile 2012

My first jacket

This is the first jacket i've ever made.                 

    My contribution to it's look are the buttons i have chosen for it. They are not actually real buttons, but some decorations i have recuperated from another piece of clothing. I liked them for their retrò look, vintage I mean. I also added the fabric flower that in my opinion makes it more interesting and romantic.

giovedì 26 aprile 2012

A bunch of words about me

       I am a fashion lover and i'm studying the dressmaking in Italy, planning to go on with my fashion studies by attending some fashion stylist and fashion designer courses. I want to create original clothes, bags and all kind of accesories. I have a lot of good ideas and i want to bring them to life.
I wish that this blog could bring me some interesting collaboration offers, and I hope that my creations and my vision about fashion can reach as many genuine designs lovers as possible.

What do you know, i'm making bags too, now!

     My latest creation is this lather and fabric bag  which i made in part using my sewing machine and in part sewing it by hand.
      I started shaping the fabric using a special technic called "capitonnè " wich i've recently descovered, and that i find very beautiful and interesting.
     Then i put together the leather bag i had finished and the brown fabric and added a charm i thought i could work.
   And there there was my new bag.

      I plan to create other interesting bags usig the "capitonnè" technic that i hope you'll appreciate. I'll post them as soon as they'll be finished.

" In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."

I think the best way to start is this: "Fashion is not simply a matter of clothes, Fashion is in the air, born upon the wind. One intuits it. It is in the sky and on the road.", and i would add that fashion is what each of us is within. 
And is also my personal believe that: " In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." 
I couldn't stop my self from adding the picture of my favourite fashion  stylist who inspirates me a lot in every way. 
I hope you'll find this blogg interesting, that you'll like my creations and my ideas and do not hesitate from contacting me for any request or suggestion. Thanke you!